Okay, what do geometry, chin-ups, bowling and blogging all have in common? ...I'll tell you: I'm not very good at any of them. So I'm writing today to admit my awareness of my blogging deficiency (the first step is admit you have a problem), to make a change for the better (I'm writing this now, so there you go), and to commit to doing better in the future (uh-oh, now I'm in trouble). It's not that I don't want to have an interesting, articulate, up-to-the-minute adventurous blog, it's just that there's so much going on around here. I guess I get busy. I know, I know, if there's so darn much going on, why don't I just write about it? I didn't mention that it's really dull stuff going on. Or at least Not Adventurous.
But since I didn't name my blog "The Adventures of Suzie Gamboa," I will commit now to being a better blogger. "Better," as in more often than every 6 months. That's a start. One step at a time.