Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Last Sunday we had a lesson on being Grateful. I always thought I was a grateful person, but ever since I saw The Secret I have realized how much gratitude enables me to do and be. Anyway, it just so happens that Adri gave me a Gratitude Journal for Mother's Day, and in it she had written the most beautiful quote:
"You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life."
Wow! To be a whole different person! A better, complete, grateful person! I realize that I have tons and tons to be thankful for...probably too many to list. Of course there are the big things that I just can't imagine living without: my faith, my family, the gospel of Jesus Christ, living in America. But then there are those little things, too, that make me really happy: flowers in bloom, bubble baths, dark chocolate, knowing all the words to old songs, starry skies, pushing a kid on a swing, kittens, fudge (ok, I got chocolate in there twice), seeing old couples hold hands. It seems the more I am grateful for, the more there is still to appreciate, and then it just keeps going on and on and on...and I am so grateful for that.

1 comment:

Adri said...

update your blog!!