So I am back in the working world again...thank you, bad economy. Actually, I feel very fortunate to have gotten a job, because I know that there are lots of people out there (including someone very close to me) who are looking for employment. (No names but it rhymes with Nectar Pamboa.) Anyway, I am blessed to have been able to find employment in this lousy job market.
And I didn't just get any old job. I put that trusty Mt Sac AA degree to work! That's right, I'm getting my reward for fifteen years of driving all the way to Walnut and edging out eighteen-year-olds for general education classes necessary for getting a two year degree. I am an Instructional Aide. That means that I work at an elementary school (and not just any elementary school--a really good one) helping third graders become more proficient at reading. And I really like my job. Of course, I love kids, and third graders are sort of fun because they try to think. They like me, and I like them. And I love the adults that I work with. Fortunately, I have a super boss who makes me laugh because she says funny things all the time. That, and she's pretty smart. All of the people that I work with are really helpful and nice to me. Which is a huge plus.
Okay, so here's the hitch: I used to go to the gym every morning, and I had a great routine going on. I knew that Monday was a weights/cardio class taught by my good friend, Leslie. Tuesday was all cardio. Wednesday was kickboxing. Thursday was step class (great cardio!). Friday was a really hard weights/cardio class. And Saturdays: run up and down Euclid. It was sooooo good! I drank a little protein smoothie, did my gym thing, and then finished the smoothie with a fried egg white afterward. I was in control. And I did all this by 10:00am. After that, I could take on the world!
So now I am struggling to figure out how to fit in the gym, the smoothies, the energy, and most of all, the enthusiasm. Is is possible to work (sitting on my tush for three hours straight) and still stay slim? This is my dilemma. I'll let you know when I figure it out.
Haha, I know what you mean! But I've seen you and I know you're still thin . . . Still, though, it's hard to feel in control of anything when there's like 20 less hours in your week! You can do it!
This is nice to read... Nice things said, plus you made it work. I am so glad to see your blog!
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