Okay, what do geometry, chin-ups, bowling and blogging all have in common? ...I'll tell you: I'm not very good at any of them. So I'm writing today to admit my awareness of my blogging deficiency (the first step is admit you have a problem), to make a change for the better (I'm writing this now, so there you go), and to commit to doing better in the future (uh-oh, now I'm in trouble). It's not that I don't want to have an interesting, articulate, up-to-the-minute adventurous blog, it's just that there's so much going on around here. I guess I get busy. I know, I know, if there's so darn much going on, why don't I just write about it? I didn't mention that it's really dull stuff going on. Or at least Not Adventurous.
But since I didn't name my blog "The Adventures of Suzie Gamboa," I will commit now to being a better blogger. "Better," as in more often than every 6 months. That's a start. One step at a time.
Very good, mom. Baby steps. So now that you have written one post this week, the next step would be to add another one. Maybe about your trip to New York, or your trip to Utah . . . or Halloween, or your pregnant daughter, or last night's concert. There that should get you through the next 5 posts.
You must not have meant it when you apologized.
Hi Suzie! It's Amanda Horvath! My guess is blogging wasn't your New Year's resolution either...
Well- if you do blog, you get to stay in touch with some of your old Ontario YW/Babysitters ....
Now that has to be fun ... right???
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